EAMA Inc. wanted to do a cross promotion across various social media platforms to promote a free plumbing service giveaway. The company also wanted to create a branding to market across our social media platforms.
The main idea of the logo design was to emphasize the number three because the premise of the giveaway is '3 Winners, 3 Weeks, 3 Service Calls'. And Three for Free sounded catchy, I sketched to combine the number three and the letter F together since both three and free are the main emphasis of the giveaway.
When converting the sketches into a digitalize logo on Illustrator, I realize that the three and the letter F looked the number four when I was analyzing my sketches which plays along with the pun Three for (4) Free. So I incorporated the official company red to subtly show the number and to make it logos have better contrast and the appearance of a two-dimensional shadow.
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