I was assigned to create my own food brand for my class. I decided to do a organic restaurant along with a prototype website. 
The original concepts of the Lily's Green Restaurant was inspired by various logos and websites by similar organic food companies and restaurants. I really enjoyed the leaf concept and used the leaf's midrif and veins of the leaf to form the letter L to represent the name Lily.
About a few years later, I wanted to slightly adjust the logo font for a more approachable and modern feel since the Garamond font looked really outdated and did not suit the logo at all. I replaced the logo with san serifs Gotham because Gotham has is more approachable and easier to read as logo than when using Garamond. In some variations, I used brown as the petiole (leaf tip) since it can also look like a tree and can stand out compared to the rest of the hues of green in the logo.
Original Design
Final Design
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