Practicing my illustration and drawing, I was experimenting with my drawing style and made a rendition of Kermit the Frog using Procreate. I wanted to make sure that parts of Kermit the Frog are recognizable while making it consistent of keeping the same style. I also wanted to further improve on background design and angling the right position on the background and foreground. I wanted to keep the swampy feel that Kermit originally lived and keep the mossy-like colours to create a more swampy feel.
Drawing Kermit the Frog in my style has helped me experiment with more drawings in this style and see what works. For example, I was originally going to add a willow tree in the drawing, but swapped to a regular tree just because I did not Kermit to fully blend in with the background.
My favourite aspect when drawing this piece was drawing Kermit himself sitting on the log because I think he looks adorable sitting on a log and also really proud of drawing that banjo despite the banjo not having a lot of details. The banjo complements Kermit and Kermit stands out from the rest of the background to me.
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