Requested from Crepe Delicious to create holiday greeting cards for both business cards and email attachments. Created multiple designs with the company's branding as well as making further adjustments and edits to match the holiday spirit.
Some of the variations I made included a snowman with the company logo on the colour along with illustrated pine trees. But my favourite design was when I experimented with the Happy Holidays text. I wanted a very simple design concept, but making the emphasis stand out. On Illustrator, I decided to use the convert the Happy Holidays text into a vector, and then experiment with the warping to make it look more hipster and modern. With the added shadow, I originally thought about seeing how green would work as the shadow of the design, but went with blue instead since the blue complemented Crepe Delicious' official colour and it made the text more snow like. Making the text look like Santa's sled passed through the snow.
Physical Holiday Card Designs
The company like the warp design so much that they wanted to infiltrate it into their email attachments. There was one variation where I added a snow-like icicle effect to make the design make the colder seasons of the wintery holidays.
Email Attachment Holiday Card Designs
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